воскресенье, 28 февраля 2010 г.

Something about... Katya

One of my brightest students! She's like two-in-one: a very serious responsible adult and a very happy naughty child :) It's always a great fun to work with her :)

Something about... Masha

When I first met Masha  thought she's too calm and she never smiles. That's not true! She's funny in her own way, merry and very-very-very nice :)

Something about... Yarik

The merriest student ever! Always smiling, talking, and making everybody around him happy :)

Something about... Denis

Denis is energetic, funny and talkative though sometimes he prefers to be serious :)

Something about... Artyom

Artyom is one of the most interesting students for me - he's always well concentrated on what he's doing but he also has a joke or two for every situation :)))

Something about... Lyosha

Both the merriest and the most serious person in this group :) Not everything is very easy for him but he keeps on trying and I know he'll be success!

Something about... Dima

Dima is modest and seems to be reserved but he's not like that! He's very easy-going, open-hearted and merry. Moreover he's very persitent and reliable - you can always trust him and he will never let you down :)

Something about... Arseniy

Of all my students Arseniy has read more books than anybody else :) He's not a book worm, he's just interested in getting new knowledge and also in communicating with new people :)

Something about... Rinat

This is the most active student! He's always moving - may be because he's going to be a professional sportsman. Rinat is merry and cheerful though sometimes he gets rather upset with his mistakes in English. Anyway he does his best to improve.

Something about... Sofia Ilina

I'm a teacher of foreign languages at Lyceum 2 in Krasnoyarsk city, Russian Federation.
I've been teaching English for about 10 years already though this is only my 2nd year at school.
I like to travel and I've already been to Spain, China, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Canada, and the USA. I've also visited many Russian cities and I've got many interesting stories to share.
Besides I like hiking, rollerblading, playing volleyball and basketball, playing Twister and Monopoly games, reading, especially reading in English, sewing (as you see), and many other things!
My lessons are usually extremely active and great fun both for me and my students.
I like my job!

среда, 24 февраля 2010 г.


We are a group of 9 kids and one teacher. We learn English and want to communicate with other children from all over the world! We live in Krasnoyarsk city - it's located in the centre of Russian Federation in Siberia (you might have heard about it - it's very cold in winter here but anyway it's a good place to live). And... we really have no bears in the streets :)